
Why can reaching out to others be so scary?

It’s easy to get intimidated and even afraid when you consider reaching out to someone or praying for them. Will they know my intention, or will they think I am “getting into their business?” What makes me qualified to pray for someone, and what if I do it wrong? There are volumes of books written about prayer and other books are filled with lengthy, well-worded prayers that combine a heart for God with amazing literary talent. But, what about you and me – the “everyday” human just wanting to support another with a prayer or other encouraging words?

I am reminded that it doesn’t take special words to encourage others or to be heard by God – He actually hears what’s in our hearts and minds even before words are spoken. And that’s the beauty of it… He hears our hearts. So, whatever attempts we make to show someone we care about them through kind words and prayers are important and can be used to make a powerful impact in the lives of those we know. Let’s be real and in the moment (messy hair and all), and just share our own experiences and let others know they are not alone. We don’t have to be poets or eloquent speakers – being who you are is what those around us need, anyway.

It’s also easy to put it off. Someone’s name might come to mind, but we don’t take the time – just 2 or 3 minutes – to reach out. “What if they are busy with something?” we often think. “I don’t want to bother them,” is also something that often goes through my mind. That’s where Inhearten is so great… it only take a few minutes, and you aren’t “live,” so the person you are encouraging can listen to it at their convenience. The added bonus is that they can listen to it again and again – repeated reminders of support from those who care. We don’t need to have the answers… we need to connect and care – one encouraging word at a time.

An epidemic of encouragement… that sounds like something I want to be a part of. What about you?

Dr. Denice Honaker

Inhearten Contributor